IHOP Crowns Pancake Bowl Champion


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While most of the country was preparing for Sunday’s big game, the hungriest pancake eaters in Los Angeles got in on the Bowl season action by competing in IHOP restaurants inaugural Pancake Bowl. An elite few qualified for the competition at their local participating IHOP restaurants in the Los Angeles area by ordering “All You Can Eat Pancakes” and enjoying as many buttermilk pancakes as they could to earn a spot on the local leader Pancake Bowl Winners.JPGboard. The guests with the 10 largest totals as of January 26 were invited to come out on February 1 to compete head to head for a $500 IHOP gift card and the title of Pancake Bowl Champion!

For the first time Los Angeles area IHOP restaurants named Kristin Avery as the Pancake Bowl Champion, who ate an astonishing 42 pancakes in 25 minutes. The Los Angeles Pancake Bowl went into overtime, as there was a 3-way tie for first at the end of the 20 minute competition. All three contestants had eaten 31 pancakes, but Avery clinched the win by eating additional 11 pancakes, more than twice what the second place finisher conquered in the extra time period.

With the return of “All You Can Eat Pancakes” at IHOP restaurants nationwide, participating IHOP restaurants invited pancake lovers to join in a good old-fashioned pancake eating contest, giving them a chance to get in on the Bowl season action. In addition to the $500 IHOP gift card awarded to the winner of the Pancake Bowl, the top-scoring pancake eater at each participating restaurant received free pancakes for one year! (defined as one free full stack (4) of any same-flavored pancakes from the IHOP menu per week for one year).

posted by Sarah McCallum

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