The FruitGuys Provide Free Mini Crates Of Fruit To Offices Nationwide


October 6, 2015 will mark the first National Fruit at Work Day, a celebration of the importance of healthy snacking in the workplace. Today, 70% of U.S. employers currently offer a general wellness program, up from 58% in 2008 and that number continues to rise.

This trend shows that businesses and employees are thinking more about health, and particularly thinking more about how they can bring better snacking options into the office.  In fact, on average, more than 50% of one’s daily food intake is at the office. Applying a small change to eating can help decrease obesity, diabetes, heart disease and in effect, help reduce health costs while increasing morale, happiness and greater employee engagement.

Employees through out the US can log onto the National Fruit at Work Day website  now until October 1 and request a complimentary mini crate of fruit for their office that will be delivered on October 6. This new annual holiday, observed on the first Tuesday in October, is devoted to honoring the food that successfully fuels a busy workday: fruit.

The day has been started by The FruitGuys, America’s original office fruit provider who helped to pioneer the employee wellness movement since 1998, and who rely on a vast network of small local farmers to provide farm fresh fruit to the American workplace.

posted by Andrea Gonzalez 9/23

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