California Restaurant Association at the Los Angeles Covention Center

August 18, 2013 – August 20, 2013 all-day America/Los Angeles Timezone
Los Angeles Covention Center
1201 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
admission price may vary
Western Food Expo
(800) 840-5612

The California Restaurant Association (CRA) is bringing its team of national, state, and local experts to the Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo to answer questions about preparing for the health care reform. This event will take place August 18-20 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
“The Obama Administration’s Affordable Care Act will bring a lot of changes to the restaurant industry, and the CRA is committed to helping operators make sense of the new health care laws,” explained Jot Condie, President of the California Restaurant Association. “Though some aspects of the law have been postponed to 2015, many operators are using 2014 to test options and get a better idea of how much coverage will cost. We’re working to educate the industry so they have the tools they need to be ready for the changes.”
Attendees can stop by the CRA’s Health Care Hub anytime during the show at booth #525. Consultants and health care experts will offer 30-minute one-on-one consultations with operators.

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