World Bank Announces Seafood Sustainability Initiative


The World Bank recently announced the formation of a group comprised of governments, international organizations, and private interests whose main objective is to work on ocean sustainability projects worldwide. The newly founded Global Partnership for Oceans will concentrate its efforts on protecting seafood stocks, while encouraging development that promotes wealth creation for communities that harvest seafood.

One of the key contributors to the merger is The National Fisheries Institute (NFI), which has been aiming to educate the public about seafood and sustainability for some time.

The World Bank’s Allfish program, a precursor of the new initiative, has a history of funding programs, like the NFI’s Crab Council.

“The global nature of seafood means there is a need for global solutions to sustainability challenges,” says NFI President, John Connelly. “And investing in the health of fish stocks can be an important investment in the future of a community. So, whether the outcomes are economic, environmental, or social the World Bank’s focus is in the right place.”

Posted by Markus Micheaels

Edited by Melanie Figueroa


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