Crafting the Cocktail


Seal-Type-largeCrafting the Cocktail: Handmade Objects and Implements for Classic and Modern Libations

An Exhibit Curated by the Craft in America Center andThe Museum of the American Cocktail (December 6, 2014 – February 21, 2015)

Craft in America Center and The Museum of the American Cocktail(MOTAC), a division of the SoFAB Institute, are pleased to present “Crafting theCocktail,” an exhibition of high-quality, handmade barware that highlights the unique designs inspired by the ways in which we enjoy distilled spirits.The exhibit will be hosted by the Craft in America Center (8415 West Third Street, Los Angeles, CA) and will runDecember 6, 2014 – February 21, 2015.

Each new wave of alcoholic beverages has arrived in tandem with art movements: ornate Victorian serving pieces are as much a testament to their era as mid-century modern, minimalist, and fanciful tiki items. Now a new era of mixology, introduced by the craftcocktailrevolution of the last quarter century, has inspired a wave of sophisticated, elegant, and thoughtful objects created in the service of fine drinking.

Cocktailsare inherently craft-centered: making a fine beverage requires an arsenal of tools, materials, and know-how. The process is as fundamental as the product. From the muddler to the strainer, the jigger to the shaker, the tools of the bartender’s trade are many and highly specialized. This exhibition will encompass the myriad items in the bartender’s toolkit, ranging from the miniscule to the sizeable.

Barware, of course, exists not only for the maker but the drinker as well. Sipping from a whimsical champagne coupe can heighten one’s sensation tenfold; so, too, can sitting at a sensuous barstool. Craftsmanship is inextricably linked to the quality of experience.

Used for serving, storage, and display, drinkware is a mainstay of craft history. The variety of forms marks our wide range of occasions: be it a nightcap or a champagne toast, the vessels from which we choose to drink have an impact, enhancing the experience, and even the ritual, of imbibing.

A full schedule of programming, including artist lectures, craft cocktaildemonstrations, workshops, and several editions of MOTAC’s Touring theCocktailseminar series, will accompany the exhibition’s run and be offered at the Craft in America Center and in venues across Los Angeles.

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