Haven Gastropub Mac n’ Cheese



Chef Greg Daniels and (aspiring) Chef Chase Bailey team up to bring Haven Gastropub diners Mac n’ Chase (‘N Yur Face).

Haven Gastropub Mac n’ Cheese

Recipe type: Yield: 8-10 Prep time: Cook time: Total time:

Chef Greg Daniels and (aspiring) Chef Chase Bailey team up to bring Haven Gastropub diners Mac n’ Chase (‘N Yur Face).


– Cheese Blend (all grated and mixed) –
1 cup Fontina
1 cup Gruyere
2/3 cup Parmigiano Reggiano or Grana Padana
1 cup Panko Bread Crumbs (set aside)
– Blonde Roux –
1 1/2 oz butter
1/4 cup flour
– Béchamel –
1/2 cup blonde roux
32oz cold whole milk
1/4 yellow onion
– Sachet of aromatics –
1 bay leaf
8-10 whole black peppercorns
1 sprig of thyme
1 clove of garlic
1oz minced black truffle peelings
– ‘N Yur Face Addition –
2/3 cup Cheddar Cheese
Bacon, crispy
Green onion, chopped


  1. Blanch Pasta in boiling water until al dente (about 9 minutes)
  2. Melt butter over moderate heat. Add flour. Cook flour, mixing & pressing to incorporate for about 3-5 minutes, or until you can smell that it is done. It will give off a nutty, roasted aroma.
  3. Add cold milk to hot roux, or cold roux to hot milk. Stir to incorporate. Cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat until raw flour taste is gone. Strain through chinois. Add minced black truffle, mixing thoroughly. At this point, we can put everything together.
  4. Mix together the béchamel and 2/3 of the cheese, allowing cheese to melt and incorporate. Add pasta, and mix thoroughly.
  5. Add mixture to a 9×13 baking pan. Top with remaining grated cheese and panko bread crumbs. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake for 15 minutes, being careful not to burn the top.
  6. – ‘N Yur Face Addition –
  7. Add cheddar cheese to cheese mix in original recipe.
  8. Sprinkle with crispy bacon, green onion, and habanero seasoning.
  9. Add bread crumbs on top of dish before baking.

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