Greener Fields Together, A Local Produce Initiative, Launched Recently


Greener Fields Together, a groundbreaking, industry-wide sustainability and local produce initiative, launched recently. Greener Fields Together targets continuous sustainability improvements through entire produce supply chain. It was created and is administered by PRO*ACT and will be run by PRO*ACT and its national network of independently-owned local purveyors. As a formalized, stand-alone program, Greener Fields Together engages and involves farmers, distributors, and foodservice operators in efforts to work toward safer produce from seed to fork.

The initiative has two goals:

To implement sustainability practices that will improve environmental impact and to ensure the availability and safety of produce for foodservice partners in all industry segments.

According to its website, the initiative was created because it was the right thing to do. “Our mission is to foster continuous process improvement by all parties so that produce is handled in the most sustainable, safe and environmentally friendly manner from seed to fork.”

Posted by Lauren Grelle


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