Toys for Tots at Embassy Suites Hotel


Showcasing its commitment to the Arcadia community, the Embassy Suites Hotels announced that for the fourth year it is an official collection site for this holiday season’s Toys for Tots drive to collect toys to distribute to children in need recently.Last year the hotel collected more than 100 toys for the local chapter.

The Embassy Suites Arcadia, Brea, and North Orange is participating along with 20 other hotels owned or operated by Windsor Capital Group (WCG) and its hotel management company Windsor Management Services.

“The number of children livingbelow the poverty level is now over 16 million; a figure I’ve never known to be higher,” said retired Marine Major Bill Grein, the vice president of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.”In order for us to fulfill the Christmas holiday dreams of as many of these children as possible, we’re going to need a lot of individual and corporate support,” Grein continued.”Fortunately, we have WCG Hotelsback for the fourth year to help usreachthese kids.”

Furthermore, this year everyone is a winner! When you drop off a toy, you’ll receive a coupon for free tater tots to redeem at any WCG Hotel’s on-site restaurant.Enjoy free “tots” compliments of WCG Hotels for donating to the Toys for Tots drive!

Posted by Lauren Grelle


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