Hot Off the Press! July August 2016


Great Taste Magazine’s July/August 2016 issue is hot off the press. Tap into OC’s unfolding trends toward honoring classic techniques of the past with a contemporary twist.

Featured on the cover is Chef Marco Zapien, owner of Zapien’s Salsa Grill and Taqueria – Pico Rivera. Bring authentic Mexican cuisine to your kitchen with his sizzling recipes for chiles rellenos and more.

Learn how to host an in-home wine tasting as wine expert, Sonya Kelson, dishes up delicious pairing ideas that will illuminate any discerning palate.

Meet Chef Arthur Gonzalez as he dives into his new experience as a licensed First Receiver and sheds light on the importance of sustainability.

This issue unearths the spicy origins of the classic Michelada and Bloody Mary; reveals the “old world” process of dry-aging beef; and highlights the inclinations toward a healthier, tastier and more viable culinary experience.

Check back for more articles, recipes and inclusions. If the mailman doesn’t bring yours soon, let us know.

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