Sponsorship Opportunity: CCAC-LA Golf Tournament


On Feb. 27, 2017, the 27th Annual Chef De Cuisine Charity Golf Tournament begins at 9 am.

Sponsorship opportunities are available for this exclusive golf event to benefit the CCAC chapter and local culinary students with well-needed scholarship money in their culinary endeavors. This is an exciting opportunity to support the youth in Los Angeles, enjoy a tremendous golf course and spend a day with fellow culinarians.

Available Sponsorship Opportunities:

Title Sponsor …………………………………….………………….$5,000


As the Title Sponsor of the Annual ACF/CCAC Golf Classic, your firm is assured high visibility before, during and after the Golf Tournament.  Sponsorship includes:


  • Six (6) tournament playing spots including tee gift bag
  • Six (6) player Golf Classic day of event packages (valued at $175 each)
  • Six (6) additional reservations for reception & awards dinner
  • Corporate name/logo incorporated into name of the Event
  • Corporate name mentioned in all advertising including any radio

and newspaper promotion

  • Name recognition on event promotional banner plus one corporate banner prominently displayed at the tournament
  • Four (4) on-course tee signs
  • Souvenir Pin Flag with company logo/name displayed at hole during tournament
  • Full-page acknowledgment on back cover of Event Program
  • Opportunity to display promotional material and/or provide product samples

on day of event to all players

  • Recognition of your company on the CCAC website.
  • Opportunity to provide a promotional brochure in player tee gift bags
  • Full database of tournament players for your company to utilize


Presenting Sponsor …(multiple available)..………………………..$3,000


As a Presenting Sponsor of the Annual ACF/CCAC Golf Classic Golf Classic, your firm is assured high visibility before, during and after the Golf Tournament.  Sponsorship includes:


  • Four (4) tournament playing spots including tee gift bags
  • Four (4) player Golf Classic day of event packages (valued at $75 each) Six (6) additional reservations for reception & awards dinner
  • Corporate name/logo incorporated into event name as a Presenting Sponsor
  • Corporate name mentioned in any event advertising
  • Four (4) on-course tee signs & name recognition on event promotional banner
  • Souvenir Pin Flag with company logo/name displayed at hole during tournament
  • One corporate banner prominently displayed at the tournament
  • Recognition of your company on the CCAC website.
  • Full-page acknowledgment in Event Program
  • Opportunity to display promotional material or provide samples

on day of event to all players

  • Full database of tournament players for your company to utilize
  • Full-page acknowledgment in Event Program






Tee Box Sponsor (multiple available). ……………………………………………………… $850


  • Host and own one tee box on the course
  • Opportunity to offer a service or product sample to all golfers
  • Signage at sponsored tee box
  • Two (2) tickets to awards dinner


Beat the Pro Sponsor  (1 only)……..……………………………………………….………….$1,000


  • Sponsor the appearance of a LPGA Futures Tour player who will challenge all players on a Par 3 to get closer to the pin for prizes
  • Tee sign at Beat The Pro contest hole
  • Two (2) tickets to awards dinner


Putting Contest  (1 only)……..……………………………………………….………….$1,000


  • Sponsor the Design and Help Organize the Putting Contest.
  • Opportunity to offer a service or product sample to all golfers
  • Tee sign at Putting Contest green 
  • Two (2) tickets to awards dinner


Hole in One Sponsor  (4 available)……..……………………………………………………. $1,000


  • Sponsor the prize travel & golf packages for two players will

            attempt to win with a hole in one on a Par 3

  • Tee sign at sponsored contest hole
  • Two (2) tickets to awards dinner


Souvenir Pin Flag Sponsor  (6  available)……….………………………………………..….$400


  • Keepsake pin flag featuring your name/company logo to be displayed on hole

            at tournament and given to sponsor after event



Tee Marker Sponsor (6  available)……….……………………………………….………..….$500


  • Your company will sponsor three holes, each with a pair of tee markers featuring your company logo and placed where players tee up their drives



Tee/Green Sponsor (multiple available)……….…………………………………………..….$250


  • Company signage at sponsored tee


Player Tee Gift Bag Donation                       


  • 130 pieces (for all tournament players)

Opportunity Board/ Live Auction Items

For more information, contact Alexis Higgins at 818.448.4467 and visit www.chefdecuisinelosangeles.com.


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