Holiday Cupcakes For A Cause: Little Cupcake Bakeshop Teams Up With Charity: Water


In the spirit of holiday giving, Little Cupcake Bakeshop has teamed up with charity: water-a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations, to launch “Jingle Wells” holiday campaign with the aim to raise money to fund clean water projects such as building water wells.

Their goal is to raise $5,000 to help fund a water project. The average cost of a water project is $5,000 that can serve 250 people in a community in Africa for over 20 years. All the proceeds will go towards the campaign and charity: water will use 100% of th emoney raised to directlly fund the water project.

Added to the LCB menu of classic and modern twists on cupcakes and desserts, LCB will sell “virtual cupcakes” for $2.75 or a virtual dozen for $33 at the register, with 100% of the proceeds to go towards the fund to build fresh water wells. Or you can directly donate to the well fund by visiting

posted 12/14/10

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