poqetDONUTS – Irvine – November 2019 – 23 yrs – Anniversary


Irvine-based poqetDONUTS, the first doughnut shop in Orange County to offer custom doughnuts alongside signature gourmet creations, will have its Grand Opening on Saturday, November 14th at 9 a.m. The first 100 guests in line that morning will have the opportunity to enjoy a complimentary doughnut from poqetDONUTS’ unique signature flavors, including Avocado, Burnt Pistachio, Blueberry, Pumpkin Spice, Tiramisu, Nutella, Green Tea, and Butter Salt. In addition, 10% of the day’s sales from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. will be donated to The Irvine Public Schools Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides financial support and enrichment programs for the students of the 33 schools in the Irvine Unified School District.

“Currently, we have the opportunity to customize almost any food, from tacos to pizza, so why not allow the public to create their own doughnut?” asked Fenny Yan, owner of poqetDONUTS, who is also an Irvine resident. “We offer a range of glaze options and toppings to satisfy a variety of palates. I tell my guests if they don’t see something they like, to create something they love!”

Signature doughnuts will change seasonally and currently include:

Avocado – Green is the new black.
Maple Bacon – The main reason we are not vegetarians.
Campfire – Let’s roast some marshmallows and party S’more!
PB & noJ – Peanut Butter makes everything Peanut Better.
Cookies & Cream – These are like people – the good stuff is on the inside.
Strawberry Fields Forever – If you are what you eat, get ready to be delicious.
Pumpkin Spice – One more excuse to have pumpkin-flavored everything.
Nutella – Spread love as thick as you would Nutella.
Tiramisu – This authentic Italian inspired recipe will have you saying, “Ciao Bella!”
Burnt Pistachio – The reason everyone should own a blow torch.
Lemon Meringue – When life hands you lemons, make lemon meringue.
Cherry Red Velvet – Life is too short to say no to Red Velvet, especially if it’s glazed with cherries!
Blueberry – You can’t buy love but, you can buy doughnuts, and that’s kind of the same thing.
Black & White – I want someone to look at me the way I look at black & white cake.
Vanilla Latte – Life is better buzzed.
Green Tea – I love you so Matcha!
Butter Salt – Abs are cool, but have you had our butter salt doughnuts?
Vegan – Strawberry, Blueberry, and other options available select days

Production of doughnuts is overseen by a team with more than 30 years of doughnut-making experience. At poqetDONUTS, the culinary team creates custards, fillings, glazes and batters with the great ingredients to ensure that her doughnuts maintain a level of quality that one would expect in a gourmet shop.

The name poqet, pronounced “pocket,” is derived from a folklore story of two best friends who met on a park bench daily to share doughnuts, which were kept in their pockets. The story of these “pocket donut” friends is placed on the wall inside the shop to provide a simple explanation of the name’s origins to guests.

poqetDONUTS is located at 17655 Harvard Avenue, Unit B, in Irvine (at Main). After the Grand Opening on November 14th, store hours will be 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday (on Grand Opening Day, November 14th, the store will open at 9 a.m.). For more information, visit www.facebook.com/poqetDONUTS or call 949-932-0800.

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