Hot off the Press January February 2014


Hot off the Press January February 2014Our latest issue January February 2014 will be here soon! The New Year undoubtedly brings a bounty of resolutions-some people dedicate themselves to diligently achieving them while others make ardent proclamations of change but fall short of success.

We’ve all heard of the tried and true resolutions-going on a diet, exercising, finding a new job and throwing the procrastination train off of its tracks. We also share a love for food-it’s the industry we’re in and we can’t get enough of it, so why not be on a perpetual mission for improvement and what better time to reboot and rejuvenate than the New Year? This issue we glorify change for the better, shed some light on local OC Chefs that have braved televised cooking competitions, get to know the new Riverside Convention Center Executive Chef, Bradley Martin, and pay homage to Link Mathewson, a gem not only in the OC restaurant industry but in the lives of those fortunate enough to know and love her.

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