The Traditional OC Girl


08-12pg18fohshannon.jpgby Lachelle Brown Nov/Dec 2008 Issue

For the past 16 years, Shannon K. Jones has been and continues to be, the ringing heartbeat of the well-known Scott’s Seafood Restaurant. From restaurant server to now awarded, General Manager, Shannon is nothing less than spectacular! “I really feel like I’ve grown up here, that it is my home.” With her naturally warm and welcoming demeanor, Shannon expresses her love for Scott’s and for the industry. Strongly supported by the owners, past management and fellow staff members, Shannon explored her interests and developed her natural place within the Scott’s family; “It was fun and it was new. I got to build it and take different avenues,” describing her once role in Guest Relations, promoting and expanding Scott’s with neighboring restaurants, hotels, convention centers, and most importantly, the restaurant’s clientele.

Hearing of her life philosophy, it is not hard to see why and how Shannon came to create the success that happily surrounds her everyday, “If you stumble, you pick yourself back up! You have to love what you do. You have to have passion for it and you have to want to come to work or you’re not going to succeed because everyday should be the love of your life–because you’re going to put into it what you should get out and you either choose to do it or you don’t.” Sing it Shannon!

As the team leader of 110 staff members, Shannon holds much attribute in having trustful relations with for both her team and visiting guests, “I think you have to have that human touch because people respect it and know that it’s what makes a whole work place enjoyable…We really care about the well-being of our staff because if they’re happy, our guests are happy.” To Shannon, support starts at the top and she is very open in giving back to her team when needed, “I want them to feel comfortable; I want to know if they are having a bad day so that we can be there to help.”

For such a positive and supportive mentor to all whom she encounters, Shannon too feels blessed when she is home away from home, “I have a very supportive husband; a very loving husband. We work as a team to make time…I feel very lucky,” as she describes her time off relaxing with her husband, Steve, kicking back in her favorite flip-flops down at the beach enjoying the day. Laughing, we gladly call her a “Traditional Orange County Girl.”

Taking in what we were able to know during our time with Shannon, it is quite hard to describe the unspoken sense of kindness and positive energy she so brightly radiates; she is delightful, outgoing, spunky, fun and a personable individual. We applaud her in all that she has accomplished and all that she continues to represent. Shannon, you are a jewel and Scott’s Seafood is truly blessed to have you!

Shannon’s Voice: “Gratitude. Gratitude to my owners for giving me the opportunity to create and be challenged everyday. Thank you to our community and patrons for coming here, we wouldn’t be here without them. I look forward to seeing them, serving them, and hearing about their lives for another 16 years!”

FAVORITE FOOD/WINE PAIRING TO RECOMMEND? Seabass Kasuzuke with the 2006 Hugel Gentil, Alsace France
GREATEST INDUSTRY STORY? A group of 4 men arrived at Scott’s one evening quite late. They were to say the lease, very unkempt. The staff, not being very anxious to take the table due to their appearance, ran for cover. Of course, we accommodated them and came to find out that they had been in closed meetings for days, and were finally finished with a multi-million dollar merger. They ended up spending approximately $10,000 that evening on their celebratory dinner and let’s just say that they took care of their server. The lesson I took form that experience was to never judge a book by it’s cover. Not only in the hospitality industry but also in life. Everyone should be treated equally and not judged, because you just never know!
BIGGEST MYTH IN THE INDUSTRY? Always happy, always calm!
FAMOUS PEOPLE SERVED? Steve Martin and Brad Pitt
HOBBIES? Snow skiing, horseback riding, golfing, shopping, entertaining

Scott’s Seafood Restaurant

3300 Bristol Street

Costa Mesa, Ca 92626


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