Winder Farms Launches Home Delivery in Orange County


It seems that the latest foodie trend developing in Orange County is winderFarmsGTgrocery home delivery. Convenience is the key factor in these services; moms with young children, the elderly or physically challenged, and those who are simply busy can save time and simplify life. The hassle of driving to multiple stores in search of one ingredient, making a trip for just three things, or impulse purchases of junk foods can all be avoided. A number of companies offer the service including Shop Safeway and We Go Shop and have been for around 20 years. Winder Farms has just expanded their out of state business to serve households throughout Orange County.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in which farmers box seasonal produce for either pick up or delivery directly to consumers is also well established here. South Coast Farms in San Juan Capistrano, among others, has offered baskets of seasonal organic foods weekly or bi-weekly for pick up at several drop-off locations in Orange County since 2000.

Melissa’s World Variety Produce offers selections including Organic Purification Boxes, Organic Green Juice Box, Organic 50/50 Box and an all vegetable or all fruit box for weekly delivery. They also offer a full line of organic gift boxes.

The Winder Farms “farmers market on wheels” saves customers time and gas by delivering more than 300 products to their doorsteps every week. Customers can visit to learn more about the products available. First time customers are eligible for a limited time to receive a $30 credit on the first order.

“Our goal at Winder Farms is to simplify life for busy Orange County parents who care about feeding their families natural and nutritious foods. With Winder Farms, moms and dads don’t have to worry if they can’t make it to their local farmers market that week. All they have to do is enroll, order online and open their front door in the morning to a Winder Farms cooler bag filled with farmer’s market quality fresh foods,” said Mike Dutton, chief executive officer of Winder Farms. Many customers place a standing order that’s delivered weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. They never have to worry about running out of milk, bread or other staples.

Besides local produce, dairy and bakery items, Winder Farms delivers meat, bacon, juices, pre-made meal solutions, snacks and coffee and are always on the lookout for delicious all-natural food products to offer its customers.

Alegri­a Fresh Farm in Laguna Beach delivers hydroponically grown greens and vegetables to south county cities.

Morning Song Farm grows organic vegetables, fruits and macadamia nuts with various pick-up locations in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Corona del Mar.

VR Green Farms in San Clemente offers weekly baskets and specialty add-ons: eggs, pizza rounds, goat cheese, heirloom popcorn and mango honey.

Farm Fresh to You delivers boxes of Capay Organic produce from Capay Valley, northeast of San Francisco.

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