Maple Leaf Farms Recipe Contest


Maple Leaf Duck Logo 6 16 16


There’s still time to enter Maple Leaf Farms Discover Duck Recipe Contest. There are separate prizes for professional chefs and culinary students, over $19,000 total! Don’t miss this opportunity to submit your favorite duck recipe for a chance to win!

Theme & Rules
“IntroDUCKtions”  Feature duck in an appetizer or first course dish

Contest Entry Forms
Recipes accepted March 1 – June 5, 2016.

Recipes for the 2016 Discover Duck Recipe Contest are due Sunday, June 5!

Entries may be completed online, or mailed directly to Maple Leaf Farms. Get all the details here:

We would love to see your original recipe for a Duck Appetizer or First Course dish. Duck substitutes easily for chicken, beef or pork in recipes, so let your creativity take flight!


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