Social Media Contest Gives Fans a Chance to Win Free Hoagies for a Year


hoagie-jamThis year, Philly’s Best fans have the ultimate opportunity to win free hoagies by sharing their authentic Philly experience on social media. To enter the ‘#Hashtag Your Hoagie & Win contest, fans must post a photo enjoying their favorite Philly’s Best hoagie on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the #HoagieJam hashtag, and then encourage friends to vote. Prizes will be awarded to the top voted photos each week. The photo with the most votes by 5 p.m. PDT on August 22 will win the grand prize of free hoagies for an entire year

The $5.99 Hoagie offer is not valid at Ontario, Placentia and Santa Ana-Tustin (1804 North Tustin Ave) locations. Tax is extra and may not be combined with any other offer. The grand prize of free Hoagies for a year is awarded in the form of 52 ‘Free Hoagie vouchers. For more information, visit


posted by Andrea Gonzalez 7/13/15

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