2455 Cushing Rd
San Diego, CA 92106
In addition to their ongoing quest to find the city’s best burger, the San Diego Reader will host the first annual San Diego Brunch & Booze Festival, an all-inclusive food and drink event taking over NTC Park at Liberty Station on Saturday, October 19. We are raffling off 2 VIP tickets as well as offering promo code SDVILLE for $5 savings per ticket or ticket package. Visit SanDiegoVille for details and be sure to enter for a chance to win!
All-inclusive tickets to San Diego Reader’s Brunch + Booze event are available online for $45 for GA and $55 for VIP (which includes an extra hour early entry and 1 drink ticket from the full bar), as well as in reduced-price 4-packs. Promo code SDVILLE saves $5 per ticket or 4-pack. Get your tickets soon, because brunch is always a good idea and this event will most certainly sell out.
For more information on the San Diego Reader Brunch + Booze Festival and to purchase tickets, visit readerbrunchandbooze.com