Los Angeles
Empress Pavilion Restaurant
988 N. Hill Street,
CuisineType : Chinese
The Food Industry Business Roundtable
In Cooperation With The Roundtable for Food Professionals Presents
Chinese New Year Networking Dinner
Join Us As We Celebrate the Year of the Dragon!
Network with Food Industry Professionals from FIBR & RFP!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Empress Pavilion Restaurant
988 N. Hill Street, (located in the Chinatown Bamboo Plaza)
Los Angeles, California 90012
90 minute validated parking
Directions & Map at www.fibr.info
FIBR & RFP Members: $35
Non-Members: $45
Cash or Check
RSVP To Yvette Nunez @ 213/763-2520 x227 or Ynunez@fibr.info
As This is a Food-included event, Reservations by Phone or email are Considered Guaranteed