1125 Victoria St
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Let’s Get Cooking!
August 4- Zingy Yogurt Class
Zingy Yogurt is the pride and joy of Fermentation Farm. It is a labor of love and the end result is an amazingly delicious and nutritious super food. Join us as we delve into the history of this raw dairy delight and learn why you can’t seem to get enough of it
Class Fees: $50 (includes an 8oz jar of Zingy Yogurt to take home)
Starter cultures will be available for purchase at the class: $15 viili mother culture, if you would like to make Zingy Yogurt at home!
Come and learn all about this amazing fermented beverage! You will learn all of the wonderful health benefits of drinking kombucha and how to make it at home. Light refreshments will be served.
Class Fees: $35 Class only
Starter cultures will be available for purchase at the class: $15 for the SCOBY Kit or $30 for the full Kombucha Starter Kit, so that you have everything you need to make kombucha at home!
August 18- Kraut Class
Learn to make delicious krauts and other fermented veggies at home. Once you learn the basics of making these densely nutritious foods, the sky is the limit on what you can create. Light refreshments will be served.
Class Fees: $40 includes 2 jars of fermented veggies to take home.
As with all products and classes at Fermentation Farm, members only. Anyone interested in attending who is not a currently a member may purchase a membership the night of the class.
We have a $5 One-Month Trial Membership and a $25 Lifetime Membership
We understand that unforeseen events happen and you may need to cancel your seat after you’ve paid. Please provide 48 hours prior notice to avoid a $5 late cancellation fee and to provide us an opportunity to fill the seat.