Food Consultants Group Holiday Party

Food Consultants Group
January 19, 2017 @ 6:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
Kings Fish House - Long Beach
100 W Broadway
Long Beach, NY 11561
$49 (members) $59 (guests)
Steve Stallman -TS

Don’t miss the best food networking event of the year: The Food Consultants Holiday Party!

The social hour, an important part of this event, will start at 6 PM and dinner seating promptly at 7PM.

Menu includes:

  • White & red wine served before and during dinner
  • Wide assortment of appetizers
  • Entrees: Charbroiled Salmon, Grilled Top Sirloin or Sautéed Breast of Chicken. (Vegetarian option available)
  • Dessert

$49 per member and $49 for the first guest that the member pays for, tax and tip included. (This is a member benefit subsidized rate.)  All other guests are welcome at $59 per person. No walk-ins permitted for this event.  Wives, husbands, and/or business friends are also invited.
Parking: Lot 3, 100 West Broadway.(on Pacific, between 1st and Broadway is the closest.) Cost is $5 after 5 PM. (King’s validates for this lot only if you should arrive before 5 PM.)
Space is limited, so sign up early!  Last year’s event sold out. To attend, we request your reservation by January 6th, so please mail by January 3rd.  (Space is only guaranteed to those registering by January 6th.)
Format/Activities:  Prior to dinner, you can give a short maximum 30 second self- introduction (no sales pitches please).  After dinner, each attendee is encouraged to tell a short interesting/funny/unusual story about one of their food consulting experiences.  Another option would be a story about a consulting project in hot new area.

As an alternative and for guests not in the food business, they are encouraged to tell a joke or anecdote with some reference to food.  This is meant to be a fun evening, so please be considerate of others and no off color/offensive/ or politically incorrect jokes. Prizes will be awarded!

For more information, visit


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