Inaugural Long Beach Oktoberfest!

Long Beach Oktoberfest
October 24, 2021 @ 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
Scottish Rite - Long Beach
855 Elm Ave
Long Beach, CA 90813

Time to pull out the beer steins and Lederhosen in preparation for Long Beach’s first annual Oktoberfest! The festival of beer and merriment will be taking place over two weekends (6 days) October 22-24 and Oct 29-31 at the Scottish Rite Event and Cultural Center (855 Elm Street). Guests can experience the best of authentic German culture, eats, and of course, beer, such as Paulaner Festbier and Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier. The world-famous Festmeister Hans und Die Sauerkrauts band will command the stage with music, performances, and games. Don’t forget to don Lederhosen or Dirndl, as dressing up for the event is highly encouraged. Festivities will take place Fridays-Saturdays 5pm-10pm and Sundays 12pm-5pm. Fridays and Saturdays are 21+ ONLY.
General Admission ($20) and VIP ($125, which includes entry, guaranteed seat in the first few rows, (1) official LB Oktoberfest stein, one plate of food (Vegan option avail), and hosted beer/wine) are now on sale.  PROST!

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