Summer of Sustainability

June 30, 2014 @ 11:00 am – 9:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
19696 Beach Boulevard
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 963-3900

WEEK 3 –June 30 July 6
Alaskan Halibut Po BoyFried halibut in a toasted roll | packed with lettuce, tomato and pickled peppers | Tabasco aioli

Pacific halibut is a bottom-dwellinggroundfishthat nestles into the sandy seafloor, often seen with only its eyes and mouth uncovered. Primarily found in the coastal North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, it migrates hundreds of miles from shallow coastal waters to the deep, open ocean to spawn in winter. Most return, year after year, to the same coastal feeding grounds.Most Pacific halibut are caught in Alaska where fishing for Pacific halibut is strictly limited to the bottom-long lining method, which causes little habitat damage orbycatch. Pacific halibut is also caught using troll lines and bottom trawl nets.

WEEK 4 –July 7 July 13
Crispy WhiteSeabassTacoFried corn shell | pickled red onion and cabbage | rooster dressing

Prized for its large size and good flavor, whiteseabassis found off California and both coasts of Baja California, Mexico. Fished commercially and for sport since the early 1900s, white seabass populations were in decline from the 1960s through the 1980s. New management efforts, including supplementing the wild population with hatchery-raised fish, have helped California’s population recover.

WEEK 5 –July 14 July 20
Copper River Salmon HandPieGently fried | stuffed with avocado andchiles| served with tomatillo sauce

Prince William Sound salmon runs are all carefully managed for long-term sustainability by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. ADF&G conducts weekly aerial surveys and monitors weirs at several points throughout the Prince William Sound estimating abundance to ensure an adequate number of fish migrate to spawning grounds to reproduce each year.

WEEK 6 July 21 –July 27
Baked Carlsbad Luna Oysters Wild mushroom and bacon stuffing | herb crust

CarlsbadAquafarm Sustainably Farmed Shellfish. Unlike some farmed fish, oysters minimally impactmarineresources as they don’t rely on wild-caught fish – in the form of fishmeal or fish oil – for food. And, thanks to the oyster’s filter-feeding action, oyster farms can actually benefit the surrounding coastal waters.

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