Webinar: How Restaurants Are Responding to COVID-19 Crisis

Restaurant Business Logo
April 14, 2020 @ 11:00 am – 11:30 am America/Los Angeles Timezone

Webinar: How Restaurants Are Responding to COVID-19 Crisis

Tuesday, April 14, 2020, at 2:00 PM EDT/1:00 PM CDT
30 minutes

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Brought to you by Campbell’s and Restaurant Business

A 30-minute presentation covering how operators are fighting the coronavirus with innovative ideas that are driving sales. Featuring two industry-leading speakers: Restaurant Business Senior Editor Pat Cobe and Restaurant Business Editor Heather Lalley.

Webinar Details – The spread of the coronavirus is taking a huge hit on the hospitality industry, and restaurants are struggling to stay afloat. Turning to takeout and delivery can make up for some lost revenue, but in the long term, that may not be enough to stay in business. Creative operators are going beyond these platforms, fighting back with innovative ideas that are driving sales.

Join them from 1 to 1:30 p.m. (CT) April 14 as they explore these ideas and share solutions to this unprecedented challenge. Attendees will hear from Restaurant Business editors Heather Lalley and Pat Cobe, both of whom have gathered stories from operators on the front lines of this crisis.

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