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40 Year Old Vegan



40 Year Old Vegan

40 Year Old Vegan Author Sandra SellaniSandra and Susan Sellani, 57-year-old fraternal twins, grew up like most Italian families — eating! They now live on different coasts — Sandra in Newport Beach, Calif., and Susan in Wyoming, Pa. — and while they still love to eat, they’ve just switched to healthier recipes now that they are over 40.

“Growing up, we always loved to be in the kitchen, watching our mother and grandmothers cook their famous Sellani Italian recipes,” says Sandra, the West Coast vegan. “A year ago, Susan and I thought, why don’t we turn these family recipes into a cookbook for the way we both eat today — vegan or plant-based. But like most Italian families, no one had written down the recipes!  Lucky for me, Susan is the one with the memory and remembered most of the ingredients. So began our journey to writing and publishing, The 40-Year-Old Vegan: 75 Recipes to Make You Leaner, Cleaner & Greener in the Second Half of Life. (Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.).

The 40-Year-Old Vegan includes a fifty-two-week meal plan to help easily transition to a plant-based lifestyle with old-fashioned, recognizable recipes and a realistic vision for looking and feeling good in the second half of life — without having to squeeze into a pair of size-two Spanx!” says Susan, an East Coast omnivore who enjoys meat on occasion.

In addition to the 75 vegan recipes in the cookbook, the authors have included inspirational stories from other “40-year-old vegans” who have turned to plant-based living in their second half of life. Those featured come from all walks of life, from a certified personal trainer and marathon coach in New York, to an Illinois financial planner. It is the authors’ hope that these stories will shatter any myths or stereotypes people have about vegans.

“One of the easiest and most profound ways to find joy happens three times a day with what we put on our plates and in our bodies,” says Sandra. “If you believe kindness is a virtue, this book is for you. When you incorporate kindness into every choice — including your food choices — your body, your life and our planet will be forever transformed.”

For more information about the authors and The 40-Year-Old Vegan, visit www.40yov.com. Mercy for Animals, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies, is the beneficiary of ten percent of author proceeds from the sale of the book.

The 40-Year-Old Vegan is available at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble.com, select book stores nationwide and at the authors’ website.

About the Authors:

 Sandra Sellani

Sandra is Chief Marketing Officer for See Jane Go, Inc., a Southern-Calif.-based ride-hail company for women. She has an Executive MBA from Pepperdine University in Malibu, Calif. She completed her culinary training at Matthew Kenney Culinary Academy in Los Angeles and holds a certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies. Sandra currently resides in Newport Beach, Calif.

Susan Sellani-Hosage

Susan’s career includes management, strategic planning and human resources assignments with local, national and international companies. She’s been a member of Misericordia University’s graduate faculty and has instructed national SHRM classes through the University of Scranton’s Professional Development Center. She and twin sister Sandra learned to cook at an early age from their Italian mother, grandmothers and aunt. Susan currently resides in Wyoming, Pa., with her husband, Stephen.

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