Pistachio Ragu


Chef Zach Geerson creates a delectable pistachio ragu compliments of Citizen Kitchen in Hotel Fullerton. Try it on its own or with his Grilled Spanish Octopus with Angry Sauce recipe.

Pistachio Ragu

Recipe type: Yield: Prep time: Cook time: Total time:

sauce with pistachios


1 Medium shallot – thinly sliced
1 clove Garlic – thinly sliced
2 C Raw pistachios – shelled
3 T Extra-Wirgin olive oil


  1. Heat a sauté pan or small pot over medium heat.
  2. Add Extra-Virgin olive oil. Add the shallot and garlic and sweat them for approximately 3 minutes, until
  3. fragrant but not browned.
  4. Add the pistachios and cook gently for about 2-3 minutes until warmed through and fragrant as well. Season gently with kosher salt and a small amount of freshly ground black pepper and set aside, keeping it warm.

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