Wagyu Hot Dog

Contributed by: Chef Alan Vargas

Wagyu Hot Dog

Recipe type: Yield: 1 hot dog, toppings can be used on several hotdogs Prep time: Cook time: Total time:

Wagyu beef hot dog topped with truffle cheese sauce and shaved truffles.


Wagyu hot dog

Brioche or Potato Rolls


  1. Cooking the Sausage:
  2. -You could either boil for a few minutes then mark on the grill or you could cook all the way in the grill
  3. Boiling the Sausage:
  4. -Boil the sausages in salted water for a few minutes
  5. -Mark on the grill
  6. Use brioche or potato hot dog rolls
  7. -Steam the buns for a few seconds or throw on the grill for a minute
  8. Add toppings and finish with the truffle oil
  9. Possible toppings for the hot dog:
  10. -Truffle Cheese Sauce – https://www.great-taste.net/recipe/truffle-cheese-sauce/
  11. -ketchup
  12. -pickle relish
  13. -crisp shallots
  14. -meat chili
  15. -diced onions
  16. Serve with Homemade BBQ corn

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