Wolfgang Puck Pizza with Smoked Salmon & Caviar

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    Wolfgang Puck Pizza with Smoked Salmon & Caviar

    Recipe type: Yield: Serves 2 Prep time: Cook time: Total time:

    Wolfgang Puck Pizza with Smoked Salmon & Caviar was created at the original Spago in Beverly Hills in 1982 and it quickly became their signature pizza. Chef’s notes: To make the pizza ahead, bake it for just 5 minutes in step 2 below; then, just before serving, complete the baking and top the pizza.


    6 oz Pizza Dough (see Pizza & Flatbread)
    1 T Chili & garlic oil (see Condiments-Salsas & Jams)
    1/4 t Red onion – thinly-sliced
    2 T Dill cream (see Condiments-Salsas & Jams)
    2 1/2 oz Smoked salmon – thinly-sliced
    1 t Chives – chopped
    1 T Sevruga caviar – optional


    1. Place a pizza stone on the middle rack of the oven and preheat the oven to 500F.
    2. On a lightly-floured surface, stretch or roll out the dough into an 8” circle, with the outer edge a little thicker than the inner circle. Brush the dough with the oil and arrange the onions over the pizza. Slide a pizza paddle or rimless baking sheet under the pizza and then slide the pizza onto the pizza stone. Bake until the crust is golden-brown, 6 to 8 minutes.
    3. With the pizza paddle or a large spatula, carefully remove the pizza from the oven and set it on a cutting board. Use a knife, an icing spatula, or the back of a spoon to spread the Dill Cream over the inner circle. Arrange the slices of salmon so that they cover the entire pizza, slightly overlapping the raised rim. Sprinkle the chopped chives over the salmon. Using a pizza cutter or large sharp knife, cut the pizza into 4 or 6 slices. If you like, spoon a little caviar in the center of each slice.
    4. Serve immediately.

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