CA Thanksgiving & New Food Safety Rules


rsm_logo_lrgFresh fruits and vegetables that are staples of Thanksgiving feasts and California farms are facing scrutiny under the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) proposed new food safety rules, and farmers and eaters are concerned. Green beans and almonds for casseroles, and fresh garlic are all examples of fresh foods that could be a lot harder to find locally if FDA doesn’t make needed revisions to its draft rules.

As currently proposed, the rules could:

  • Squash local food: the proposed rules unfairly burden local and regional food innovations like food hubs and CSAs and limit opportunities for family farmers to launch and grow their businesses
  • Undermine sustainability: the proposed rules make it harder for farmers to use sustainable methods to protect soil, water and wildlife
  • Raise costs: the proposed rules impose major expenses on small farms and food businesses and lack fairness, clarity, and consistency.

Dave Runsten, of Community Alliance with Family Farmers, has specific concerns that the approach proposed by the FDA will hurt family farms. He can help your readers understand what impacts these rules may have on their dinner table.

There are just a few weeks left for your readers to learn about these issues and let the FDA hear their concerns through the public comment period. The FDA is accepting comment on the proposed regulations online until December 15.

I’ve included Dave on this email. His information follows, with a few additional details.

Dave Runsten, policy director, Community Alliance with Family Farmers
[email protected], 530-756-8518
Community Alliance with Family Farmers works statewide with California farmers to foster family-scale agriculture that cares for the land, sustains local economies and promotes social justice.

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