$100,000 Up for Grabs for Independent Restaurants


This year has been like no other for our nation’s restaurants, making it more important than ever to recognize independent eateries and the role they play in our communities.

The 6th Annual Neighborhood to Nation Recipe Contest celebrates local restaurants, their one-of-a-kind dishes, and the pride they bring to their communities. This year’s contest will award $100,000 to restaurants and food trucks nationwide.

What’s New This Year?

In response to the current challenging times for restaurants, General Mills has made some important changes to this year’s contest, making it easier for restaurants to enter and doubling the number of winners.

  • In total, 20 restaurants and/or food trucks will be awarded $5,000 plus a PR/marketing package.
  • A “People’s Choice” component allows restaurants to rally the support of their patrons to help them earn $5,000 for their local food pantry and additional marketing support for their business.
  • An added bonus: the first 100 eligible entrants will receive fun Pillsbury Doughboy items and marketing materials to help them promote their recipe with patrons.

News Release

The Neighborhood to Nation Recipe Contest to Award $100,000 to Independent Restaurants

General Mills Foodservice announces the return of the Neighborhood to Nation Restaurant Recipe Contest that will award $100,000 to restaurants and food.


Additional details can be found here (application will be up on Aug. 1):

Neighborhood to Nation Recipe Contest 2020 – General Mills

Neighborhood to Nation 2020: Their biggest year ever! Enter and you could be one of twenty $5,000 winners. Restaurants and food trucks are a vital part of the neighborhoods in which we live and the whole industry is facing unprecedented times.


Video that showcases last year’s winners:

2019 Neighborhood to Nation Recipe Contest Highlight Reel – YouTube

Neighborhood to Nation was created to inspire culinary creativity among independent restaurants and food trucks, giving operators an opportunity to experiment with high-quality and consistent …

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