Blinking Owl Launches Whiskey MBA Program

(Making, Barreling, Aging)


Blinking Owl Launches Whiskey MBA Program

Choose grains from corn, wheat, rye, and malted barley to make your SINGLE BARREL customized Bourbon or other types of Whiskey

Decide on mash bill with the head distiller of the Blinking Owl (using our organic grains sourced by the distillery)
You decide the name of your barrel and a nameplate will be added for you
You will receive 12 cases (144 bottles) from your barrel (Blinking Owl reserves the right to any bottles in excess of 144.)
You can choose aging from 6 months-3 years
Appointments with distiller to quality control your product every 6 months
Bottling Party for you and your friends (if desired)
Bottles will have a side sticker indicating barrel #, batch #, and barrel name

Work with the distiller over 4 days to learn the entire process taken to making your whiskey
You will receive all bottles from your barrel (barrels average 200 bottles)
You will be able to keep your barrel
Decide on mash bill with the distiller
You decide the name of your barrel and a nameplate will be added for you
Appointments with distiller to quality control your product every 6 months
You can choose aging from 6 months-3 years
Bottling Party for you and your friends
Bottles will have a side sticker indicating barrel #, batch #, and barrel name

Additional Services for either tier:

A PERSONALIZED LABEL (TTB Approved) can be designed for your bottle  (bottle will be the Blinking Owl Bottle) for a $3500 fee.

Custom whiskey boxes are available (pricing TBD).

If you’d like to age longer than 3 years, there is a fee of $1500 per year with a maximum of 5 years of aging.

½ of payment is required to reserve your purchase. You can make different recipes for a bourbon, rye, wheated whiskey or single malt.

Bottles must be picked up at the distillery (current law allows only 3 bottles per person per day—plan a party to take home multiple bottles!) We will store extra bottles up to 4 months after bottling without additional charges. Sales of whiskey bottles are to private individuals. Barrel contents can only be given to the consumer in bottles. Bottles are not sold for resale purposes.

For more information, visit

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