Blueprint for a Safer Economy


Blueprint for a Safer Economy

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has outlined new guidelines based on county and sector. To find the status of activities in your county we encourage you to regularly check the COVID-19 website’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy. This drop down menu gives specifics for individual counties and sectors. CDPH has also provided Industry Guidance to Reduce Risk, for industry specifics.

Click here to read ABC’s latest advisory, intended to provide ABC licensees with additional information and aid them in understanding what they can and cannot do pursuant to the recently issued Statewide Public Health Officer Order and Blueprint for a Safer Economy that were issued by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) on August 28, 2020. This advisory covers:

ABC licensees should identify which tier their county is currently placed and, based upon that, determine the level of operation that they may engage in.
Although different ABC license types have different license privileges, for purposes of opening in accordance with the Blueprint for all licenses but wineries, the issue is simply whether the licensed business serves bona fide meals or not.
Although a meal is not necessarily required to be sold in conjunction with each alcoholic beverage served, ABC will look at the totality of a licensed business’ operations in determining whether it is serving legitimate meals in a bona fide manner or if the food offered is a mere pretext for opening under the Blueprint.
Licensees should also familiarize themselves with any additional restrictions imposed by their local public health agencies.

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