Complete Chocolate Lifestyle at Silicon Valley’s International Chocolate Festival


A study published by The Journal of American Medicine that compared life expectance in the United States by income level and region found that if you live in San Francisco/ San Jose metro you have at least one or two extra years of life to enjoy. It may be a happy coincidence that this region- also has the highest per cap consumption of artisan chocolate in the US.Screen Shot 2018 11 05 At 12 02 12 PM

The International Chocolate Festival Silicon Valley, taking place April 21-22 at the San Mateo Event Center, is banking on the meteoric rise in chocolate to draw attendees to experience much more than Forest Gump’s classic, “Life Is Just A Box of Chocolates…You Never Know What You Are Going To Get.” At the ICFSV, chocolate fans will have a chance to sample over 200 different chocolates from every corner of the world, and get to know more about the makers who create these indulgent pleasures- before they source additions to their ever- expanding private chocolate vaults.

But more than just tastings, the International Chocolate Festival Silicon Valley is reflecting the innovative nature of its namesake. For those obsessed with the happiness, euphoria or calm focus chocolate can bring, they are looking for new and exciting ways to eat it, imbibe it, brag about it, sip it, learn the ancient rites of sacred chocolate by drinking raw cacao, mindful consumption of chocolate while doing yoga, some are even snorting it. There will be many ways to explore the diverse full chocolate monty at this two-day event.


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