Hospitality Industry Associates Fund


Data Analytics Hospitality Company Commits Continues to Raising $100K for Bartenders Affected by COVID-19


The United States Bartenders Guild (USBG) is offering emergency grants to bartenders in need during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. SipScience is stopping everything to help lead their own fundraising effort.

SipSciencea national data analytics hospitality company for consumers, bars, and restaurants, announced the launch of a $100,000 Go Fund Me fundraising campaign titled ‘Hospitality Industry Associates Fund’ in support of individuals in the bar industry community who are affected by COVID-19.

All proceeds will go directly to The USBG National Charity Foundation, an organization dedicated to advancing the lifelong stability and wellbeing of service industry professionals through education and charitable activities. The USBG National Charity Foundation strives to achieve their mission through three programmatic pillars: Social Responsibility, Community Service, and Philanthropy.

SipScience’s Co-CEO, Kris Boros said, “As a result of COVID-19, several states have mandated the closure of dine-in restaurants, resulting in the immediate obliteration of income for thousands of hardworking men and women who work as servers, bartenders, cooks, bussers, valet, and more. It is times like these that the sentiment ‘it truly takes a village’ becomes a clear call to action that we must be there to support one another in every way possible.”

Please follow SipScience online and on social media to stay up-to-date on upcoming news, announcements, and more.

VIDEO: SipScience CEO, Kris Boros, on News 3 Las Vegas on Friday, March 20

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