Lodging Expo 2019


Hundreds of Prospects All In One Room!

It’s like a dream come true. But that is what you will find at the Lodging Expo. The attendees are ambitious and driven to improve their properties. That is why they come to the Expo. To see the latest and greatest. And that is where you come in, an exhibitor with the best information, products, and services.

The California Lodging Expo and Conference scheduled for October 21, 2019, at the Crowne Plaza Los Angeles – Commerce Casino looks better than ever. They have a great line-up:  AAHOA has signed on as a major sponsor and they are sending Neal Patel, their Board Secretary as panel discussion moderator. Visit California and Expedia are sponsors and Vail Ross, Senior VP of Global Business Development and Marketing for STR will be the keynote speaker.

They have upped their game considerably this year with more sophisticated technology. A mobile app with a complimentary badge scanner with Lead Capture and other advantages add great value to your exhibitor package.

The reason they always sell out of exhibit space is that the exhibitors appreciate the quality of the lodging attendees. Most are the decision-makers for their properties, the majority are independents and many own multiple properties. To attract even more lodging attendees, they are offering several state-mandated certification workshops, such as Human Trafficking Education and Awareness and Sexual Harassment.

The link to register is: https://clec.eventbrite.com. They offer a number of affordable sponsorships and other options to amp up your visibility at the show. Check them out!

Looking forward to seeing you at the Expo, a great place to re-connect with existing clients and find new ones.

Agenda at a Glance:

7:00 am– 9:00 am Exhibitor registration

8:00 am – 9:30 am Morning Mingle – coffee and pastries

8:00 am – 5:00 pm Attendee registration

9:30 am – 10:25 am Human Trafficking Workshop

9:30 am – 11:30 am Workplace Sexual Harassment Training for Managers

10:35 am – 11:35 am Has Governor Newsom Changed the Game? A Legislative and Employment Law Review

11:35am – 12:35 pm Trade Show

12:45 pm – 2:00 pm Luncheon Keynote Speaker: Vail Ross of STR – “Hotel Industry Performance: That Was Then, This Is Now, What About Tomorrow?

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Trade Show

3:10 pm – 4:10 pm Human Trafficking Workshop

4:20 pm – 5:20 pm Panel Discussion

4:20 pm – 5:20 pm Has Governor Newsom Changed the Game? A Legislative and Employment Law Review

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Evening Reception with Free Wine Tasting and Appetizers, Excellence Awards and Scholarship Presentation

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