Restaurants Rise Registration and On-Demand Resource & Education Center Now Live!


Restaurants Rise Registration and On-Demand Resource & Education Center now live!

At a time when we can’t meet face-to-face and our businesses need total re-imagination, Restaurants Rise was created to aid the restaurant and foodservice communities in reconnecting, reimagining and resetting business. Their digital gateway features webinars, insights, data, case studies, video interviews, and more to provide solutions to today and tomorrow’s challenges.

Registration for the virtual event now open!

Join Restaurants Rise June 2-5 for four days of 20 webinar and keynote sessions featuring insights into: The New Normal for Operations, Workforce Solutions, Growth Strategies & Solutions, and Meeting New Consumer Demands. For detailed information on each day’s seminars and to register, click Register now.  

Support America’s Restaurant Employees!

Restaurants Rise is here to help support the Restaurant Employee Relief Fund from the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. A portion of proceeds will benefit this fund created to help restaurant industry workers experiencing hardship in the wake of the crisis. Get involved or donate now!

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