Watch & Share the Independent Restaurant Coalition’s new TV ad


Independent restaurants still don’t have the relief they need to survive. One in four people unemployed today are from the food and beverage industry. While Congress is negotiating the next round of relief, more independent restaurants are closing their doors permanently. Time is running out — which is why the Independent Restaurant Coalition must do everything they can to get Congress’ attention at this critical moment.

The coalition has turned up the pressure in a big way. This week, they’re running a television ad produced by Andrew Zimmern and Intuitive Content, voiced by the one and only Morgan Freeman, and supported by DoorDash. The more people see it, the better chance they have to get the RESTAURANTS Act passed. Please help by downloading the video here and sharing it on social media using this caption:

Without federal aid, the pandemic threatens to permanently close 85% of independent restaurants. 16M people risk losing their jobs. It’s time Congress steps up to #SaveRestaurants by passing the RESTAURANTS Act. Share this video and take action now at

You can also re-share our posts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Thank you, as always, for working alongside the Independent Restaurant Coalition to help save independent restaurants.

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