Yves’ Restaurant & Wine Bar Closes After 30 Years


A Message from the Yves’ Restaurant & Wine Bar Family:

To our Valued Customers and Friends –

As many of you may have heard, it is with heartfelt regret that due to the devastating effects of this past month, we have been forced to permanently close our doors.

How can we begin to express what it feels like to say good-bye after 30 years?

Many of you have been with us since the day we opened our doors in 1990!  You were there when our baby girls were born; there as they stepped into the family business as young teens and most recently as beautiful young talented women filling their roles as General Manager & Chef.

For years you have supported our charity work locally, in Louisiana for Hurricane Katrina and our trips to Kenya.  Together, we have walked through joys and sorrows, celebrated new life and tears of passing lives, shared our victories and our challenges and embraced our dreams to help others.

And, more than all of that, thankfully you have not just been customers, but our friends; our family.

 What’s ahead for all of us as we walk through this unusual time in our world’s history is unknown but we believe that God has a plan in our lives and we will continue to pursue that dream in the near future.

We hope that you will continue to connect with us as the days ahead unfold for the Masquéfa family by clicking the link to join our new mailing list.

From the bottom of our hearts –

“The Lord  bless you and  keep you;

The Lord  make His face shine upon you,
And  be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And  give you peace.”

Yves, Jody, Mikayla & Cassie

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