ACF Appoints Three Chefs to Educational and Apprenticeship Programs


The American Culinary Federation (ACF), a national organization of professional chefs, is pleased to announce that three chefs have been appointed to leadership positions within the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation (ACFEF) Accrediting Commission and National Apprenticeship Committee.

Bryan Frick, CEC, AAC, corporate executive chef for Nestle Professional, Orlando, Fla., was appointed as chair elect of the ACFEF Accrediting Commission, which assures that a program is meeting at least a minimum of standards and competencies set for facility, curriculum and student services.

Kevin Clarke, CCE, JD, culinary director at Colorado Mountain College Culinary Institute, Dillon, Colo., was appointed as chair elect of the ACFEF National Apprenticeship Committee, which evaluates eligible programs that offer training to students for initial and continuing ACFEF apprenticeship.

Brian Peffley, CEPC, CCE, AAC, pastry arts instructor at Lebanon County Career and Technology Center, Lebanon, Pa., was selected as the representative of the ACFEF Accrediting Commission’s Secondary Certification Subcommittee to the ACFEF National Apprenticeship Committee. In this position, he will provide his expertise of secondary culinary arts and baking-and-pastry arts to the ACFEF National Apprenticeship Committee, and then share the committee’s ideas and actions with the ACFEF Accrediting Commission’s Secondary Certification Subcommittee for implementation.

Posted by Suzanna

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