Congratulations to Newport Harbor High School Culinary Students


The Culinary and Management teams at Newport Harbor High School both won Nationals at the Pro Start Invitational in Kansas City!

Both teams won First Place in the state for both Culinary and Management, then three weeks later took Nationals in Kansas City. Having both teams win in that fashion at that level has never been done before in the same state, let alone the same school! As a result, both the Culinary and Management teams have won an all expenses paid trip to the National Restaurant Association’s Hotel/Motel Food Show in Chicago, IL, on May 21st and 22nd.

Some exciting news for both teams:

The NHHS Management team will make a special guest appearance at the legendary “Salute to Excellence” gala event where their winning restaurant concept will be featured during the Salute to Excellence reception.

The NHHS Culinary team will also make a special guest appearance at the above mentioned “Salute to Excellence” gala event. This time, their team will have the opportunity to provide an appetizer from their winning menu for over 500 of the restaurant industries top executives! They will cook with Top Chef Richard Blais at the NRA showcase, and have pictures with Top Chef Tom Colicchio.

Posted by Lauren 05/24/11

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