New Courses Offered in San Francisco

New courses to be offered in San Francisco
From Kitchen to Plant: Industrial Production of Processed Food Products – March 23-24

This two-day program provides an overview of the basic principles involved in the production of food products. This course is intended for individuals who are new to the field and are seeking a fundamental understanding of the technologies and practices involved in the manufacture of processed food products.

The initial portion on the course focuses on activities involved in development of food products, touching on the issues of raw material functionality and the unit operations involved in proto-typing a satisfactory product. In addition this section covers the issues faced when translating a food “recipe” into a product for production. The second portion focuses on the practical application of chemical engineering processes to transfer products from the bench through pilot scale into production.

For information:
Click Here

Project Management for Technical Professionals – March 20-21

Become more successful in planning and managing cross-functional project teams. Through this course, learn the art and science involved in running successful cross-functional project teams, determining project goals and objectives, the three key measurement criteria and how to apply them, how to conduct go/no-go gate reviews, and ways to document organizational learning.

For information:
Click Here

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