New Leaf Brands Takes Gold at North American Tea Championship


New Leaf Brands, Inc., (OTCBB: NLEF) “The Official Beverage of Taste”TM was recently awarded first place by World Tea Media, producers of the North American Tea Championship for its ready-to-drink (RTD) green iced tea with mango.”This new accolade joins several other awards that New Leaf has received in the past 12 to 18 months, including being selected by Beverage World as a ‘Breakout Brand’ for 2010 and having Everyday with Rachael Ray name our RTD strawberry white iced tea as the ‘Best Tasting White Tea,’ ” said Eric Skae, Founder and CEO of New Leaf Brands.

For the North American Tea Championship, New Leaf competed against a multitude of other world-class tea brands to secure first place in the RTD “green iced tea category.” Judges assessed each submission through blind organoleptic analysis of the following characteristics: flavor, mouthfeel, color, clarity and balance. The official awards ceremony will occur on June 13, 2010 during the World Tea Expo in Las Vegas.

“These awards are testament to New Leaf’s commitment to providing healthy and great tasting beverages made from the finest ingredients, including 100-percent organic cane sugar,” continued Skae. “When people experience our 13 all-natural flavors of iced tea and four flavors of lemonade, they instantly become loyal brand customers. Our rapid expansion across the US and internationally reflects that consumers are responding to our superior taste experience and high-quality ingredients.”

Posted 6/21/10.

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