Blinking Owl’s Single Barrel, First Batch, Straight Rye Whiskey



Blinking Owl Straight Rye Whisky

This is the very first barrel of RYE WHISKEY distilled and barreled in Orange County EVER (on record). Like our Bourbon, this  “Straight” Rye Whiskey, will require a minimum of 2 years of aging (thus a release between late 2018-2019 or when we feel it is ready).

The price is $250 for a 750mL bottle. $125 payment required to hold your future.  
If you are purchasing this as a gift, you will have the option to provide payment in full (please use the “Gift (Payment in full)” option at checkout).

Numbers will be given in the order of your purchase. Only 150 futures will be released for this pre-sale.

*Bottles can not be shipped and must be picked up from the tasting room after final bottling.


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