Toast Kitchen + Bakery New Fall Menu Items!


Toast Kitchen + Bakery New Fall Menu Items!

Thai Tea Black Sesame French Toast

The Thai Tea Black Sesame French Toast takes a turn on the classic French toast. With a fluffy brioche and crème brûlée batter as the base, this treat poses as a comfort dish with all the colors of fall. The warm cakes are dressed in thai tea pastry cream, black sesame coconut granola for a spooky looking crunch, and melty caramel pearls.

Sisig Burrito

The Sisig Burrito is a mammoth of a breakfast burrito combining popular southern California ingredients and some unexpected ones. With crispy chicharron for a pleasant surprise, this kicker winds in some heat with jalapenos and avocado aji verde. French fries are added for a salty addition and are no surprise to the golden state native.

The BBQ Ranch Chicken Salad

The BBQ Ranch Chicken Salad includes smokier ingredients for the perfect fall salad. With baby kale and frisee as the main base, charred corn and crispy bacon bring in toasty feels and are cooled down with an herb crème fraiche ranch. The grilled chicken salad is topped off with deep colored tortilla strips for a superb crunch factor.

Get That Corn Out of My Face

Jeff Tran, the bar manager, created essentially a whiskey sour with a fun twist. He wanted to incorporate his favorite movie – Nacho Libre – and came up with the Get That Corn Out of My Face elote cocktail. For a sweet and salty explosion, it is served with spicy kettle corn made with their hot chicken’s coatings.

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