New Statewide Minimum Wage Increase Proposed


calThe action continues on the minimum wage front in December. Earlier today, State Senator Mark Leno introduced a bill to accelerate the proposed increase to California’s statewide minimum wage. Leno has been a strong proponent of an increased statewide minimum wage.

Today was the first day of the California legislative session so it is very difficult to tell what will happen with this bill. However, the bill, as introduced, would raise California’s minimum wage to $11 in 2016 (instead of $10 under current legislation passed in 2013) and $13 in 2017. After 2017, the bill calls for regular minimum wage increases indexed to inflation.

Senator Leno introduced a similar bill last year, but it died in committee. Given the current climate on minimum wage, this year’s version likely has a better chance of ultimate success. We will continue to keep you posted on the progress of this and other employment-related bills as they are introduced and move forward during the legislative session.

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