SWEET! 4th Annual Long Beach Bake-Off


bakeOffSWEET! 4th Annual Long Beach Bake-Off

See the video: www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10204862679863480&l=5499933650094397355

Sweet success on Sun., Nov. 23, 2014, 7 p.m. for the awards and tasting reception of the 4th-annual Long Beach Bake-Off. It was held at Bay Shore Church concert hall, 5100 E. The Toledo.

The contest entry and the tasting reception were $5 at the door.

Justin Rudd’s Community Action Team hosts this event with five categories: cakes, pies, cookies, bars/squares, and cupcakes.

Each first place winner received a $50 check for their favorite charity, school, or place of worship.

1ST: COOKIES: Lori Kesslak, Coconut Brown Butter Cookies
1ST: PIES: Francis Marotta, Pear Hazelnut Crumble Pie
1ST: CAKES: Kirsten Dominguez, Double Chocolate Torte
1ST: BROWNIES, BARS, SQUARES: Carol Gregerson, Oatmeal Bars
1ST: CUPCAKES, CAKE POPS: Casandra Sargent, Sweet Potato Cupcakes w/ Crushed Praline

Details: JustinRudd.com/bakeoff.html

Our upcoming baking contest is the Long Beach Christmas Cookie Contest on Sun., Dec. 14, 2014: JustinRudd.com/cookiecontest.html

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