5 Unique Oral Health Tips for a Happy Thanksgiving


western-dental5 Unique OralHealthTips for a HappyThanksgiving

  1. EatALLthesweets you want IFyou brush “in thehot zone”
  2. Lookout for”colors and cranberries”
  3. Say Cheese to the Cheese
  4. Carbs are just as detrimental to your gum lineas they are to yourwaist line
  5. If all else fails, use water!

Western Dental provideshigh qualitydental services and oral healthcareincommunities, butataccessibleaffordable prices.Dr. Inge iswidelyacclaimed and specifically joined the Western Dental team to bring high end oral health to the masses at prices they can afford.

Below arethefivevaluable, uniquetips for the Thanksgiving holiday that Dr.Inge canshare indetail,but hereis justoneof these proprietaryWesternDental gems:

Eat ALLthe sweets you want IFyou brushin the “hot zone”

Brushyour teeth within the”hot zone”–which is within20 minutes afteryouhave eaten sweets, no matter how many sweets you have indulged in!!Keepa travel-size toothbrush and toothpaste around if you arenot going to be homefor Thanksgiving dinner.

Details on theadditional tips are below for your review.Pleaseconsider speaking with Dr. Ingebefore Thanksgivingto share some of these Western Dentalsignature tips for achieving top oral hygiene, even though our mouths and teeth will be working overtime duringthe holiday.Thank you!

Lookout for”colors and cranberries”:

Brightcolored foods and beverages,and all of the favoritecranberryrecipes we know and love,often result instaining.

Say Cheese to the Cheese:

Cheeseisone of the better Thanksgivingsnackfoodsbecause it does not allow bacteria to produce acid, which is harmful to your teeth

Carbs are just as detrimental to your gum lineas they are to yourwaist line:

We can’t very well stay away from carbs, especially during Thanksgiving, but wecan limit them and in turn,limit their damage.

If all else fails, use water!:

Never underestimate the power of water. It’sagreatgenerally beneficial”go to” for INour bodies AND ALSO IN our mouths and ON our teeth.

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