Canlis To Seattle : Your Restaurant, Your Story


Canlis invites Seattle to help write the story of their restaurant. As apart of their 60th birthday celebration, Canlis invited the people who have been apart of the restaurant to share their stories of special occasions and memories over the past 60 years.

“We’re looking for guests’ stories time around our table that has significantly impacted their lives, the lives of loved ones, or the city of Seattle,” said owner Mark Canlis. “Every night we hear significant stories from our guests; now we want to write them down to preserve them.”

Anyone with a memory of dining at Canlis for birthdays, anniversaries or other celebrations is encouraged to write down their story and share it with the Canlis family. After collecting the submissions, Chris and Alice Canlis will read through the stories and invite the best storytellers to join them at the restaurant for a private dinner party to talk and reminisce about their memories together. The Canlis family will then decide which stories to include in the published book.

Stories should be emailed to [email protected] by December 11, 2010. Winners will be announced by Dec. 25 and the dinner party will be held in early 2011.


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