Chef Devin Alexander of “The Biggest Loser” To Host Screening Party


Show Fans Are Invited to Watch the Latest Episode, Featuring New York Times Best-selling Cookbook Author Chef Devin Alexander, Creator of Biggest Loser’ Cookbook Series.
On Monday, January 28, from 6 to 10 p.m., zinc@shade restaurant inside Manhattan Beach’s premier luxury boutique Shade Hotel will hold a special screening party for fans of NBC’s The Biggest Loser television series, allowing them to watch the episode with the show’s celebrity chef Devin Alexander as she shows America how to cook healthy on a budget.

Alexander, who has been an expert for the show since 2006, sharing her food makeover secrets and recipes for her famously decadent tasting but healthy dishes, is now featuring a special 30 Days of Devinly Decadence menu at zinc@shade restaurant. Before the show, she will treat guests attending the January 28 screening party to tray-passed samples of her menu from 6 to 8 p.m. There will be special $5 prices on her slimmer (on calories) libations. Those ordering items from the Devinly Decadent menu, which features dishes under 500 calories and drinks under 200 calories, will be eligible to win autographed copies of her The Biggest Loser Cookbook, The Biggest Loser Family Cookbook, The Biggest Loser Dessert Cookbook, The Biggest Loser Flavors of the World, The Biggest Loser Quick & Easy Cookbook, jewelry from Trust Your Journey, and other prizes that will be given away during commercial breaks.

During Devin’s appearance on The Biggest Loser on January 28, she demonstrates how families can eat well and eat smart for less, sharing three healthy menus for a family of six that cost less than $20 to prepare. She also shows PTA moms how to make quick, healthy and affordable breakfasts for their kids before they head off to school.

Shade owner Michael Zislis, and Alexander, who is also a Manhattan Beach resident, are presenting Devin’s 30 Days of Devine Decadence menu as a way to contribute to ongoing “Blue Zones” Vitality Cities Initiatives for the local Beach Cities by providing healthy menu options. Featured through February 5 in the zinc@shade craft kitchen and lounge, Devin’s menu is available from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday, and 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Thursday through Saturday. For more information or to make reservations, visit or call 310-546-4995.

posted by Tiffany Haslacker

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