Clay Oven Family Meals and Dining Options


Clay Oven has introduced a number of Family Meal options (serves up to 4) available for takeout, curbside pickup, and available for delivery through services such as GrubHub, Postmates and DoorDash. More info here.

Clay Oven would like to thank you all for your many kind emails, messages, phone calls, and words. The short story is that they have been and will continue to operate during slightly reduced normal hours while maintaining maximum precautions to ensure the safety of their staff and guests. They are offering take out and curbside pickup by phone at 949.552.2851. Delivery and pickup are also available through services such as GrubHub, Postmates, and DoorDash.

For those who have asked how you can support restaurants like Clay Oven during this time, the best way is to let them feed you. Another way is through gift cards, which can be purchased online here.

Clay Oven is committed to their staff, their growers/suppliers, and their community. They would like to sincerely thank you for your continued support of their work and wish you good health!

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